During the past few decades, important tectonic and magmatic events associated with the North, Central and South America subduction zones have improved our knowledge about the subduction process. More recently, large national and international projects, supported by increased instrumentation and both permanent and temporary seismic/geodetic deployments, have resulted in improved geophysical datasets leading to new advances in subduction zone processes. These advances have contributed to an increased interest in the concept of an International Subduction Zone Observatory Initiative. Many recent earthquakes and their aftershock sequences have been recorded with an unprecedented range of instrumentation leading to new ideas about the spectrum of fault slip behaviors in subduction zones. We invite contributions at all scales on subduction zone processes, including earthquake sources, tsunamis, aftershock sequences, seismicity, slow-slip events, forearc structure, segmentation, volcanic processes and arc and backarc structure, including studies on the social and economic impacts on this region.
Guest editors for this focus section are:
Carlos A. Vargas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia at Bogota, cavargasj@unal.edu.co
Marino Protti, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, OVSICORI, marino.protti.quesada@una.cr
Susan L. Beck, University of Arizona, slbeck@email.arizona.edu
Jaime Campos, University de Chile, jaime@dgf.uchile.cl
Interested authors, please send inquiries and notices of intent to submit to Carlos A. Vargas at cavargasj@unal.edu.co.
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline: 21 December 2018 (early submissions are encouraged and will be processed immediately upon submission)
Acceptance Deadline: 01 March 2019
Published Issue: SRL May–June 2019
Submit manuscripts via SRL Editorial Manager at http://srl.edmgr.com using the article type “Focus Section on Subduction Zone Processes in the Americas.” Detailed instructions on how to prepare an SRL manuscript can be found at https://www.seismosoc.org/publications/srl/srl-authorsinfo/.
Note that the recommended length for SRL focus-section submissions is now the same as SRL regular articles: 6,000 words, 10 figures, and three tables. Articles accepted to this focus section will be published online ahead of print.
Address questions about scientific issues to the guest editors or SRL Editor-in-Chief Zhigang Peng at srleditor@seismosoc.org. Address questions about submissions to SRL Managing Editor Mary George at srl@seismosoc.org.