The Seismic Record
The Seismic Record (TSR) is an open-access, online-only journal publishing short form papers covering the entire spectrum of seismological science. The journal provides an outlet to cover recent events and current topics of strong significance, warranting rapid peer review and publication within 60 days of submission. Papers must be no more than 3500 words and include no more than 30 references.
All articles must include a data availability statement with links to publicly archived datasets generated during or analyzed as part of the research. Supplemental material may be accepted at the discretion of the Editor. Authors will retain copyright, and articles will publish under a CC-BY license.
TSR is owned and published by the Seismological Society of America.
Established in 2021
Editor-in-Chief: Keith Koper
Online ISSN: 2694-4006
Open Access
Frequency: Four issues/year
Continuous article publication
TSR is indexed by the Directory of Open Access Journals and by Scopus.

Our Publishing Policies
Copyright, access, permissions and guidelines for our journals.

Our Publishing Program
The SSA journals program is key to the Society’s core purpose of advancing seismology and the understanding of earthquakes for the benefit of society. Our publications help us advance scientific integrity, encourage scientific collaboration, and foster the professional development of scientists and engineers.
Call For Papers
BSSA | Deadline: 15 May 2025
SRL | Deadline: 15 March 2025
Focus Section on The OSIRIS-REx Re-entry
SRL | Deadline: 5 May 2025
Focus Section on Earthquake-Induced Ground Deformation
BSSA | Deadline: 1 December 2025
Special Issue on Advancing Physics-based Ground-Motion Simulations for Seismic Hazard Applications

Library and Institutional Subscriptions
Give your institution’s researchers current, relevant information on seismic tools, technology and research authored by leaders in the field.
Key Contacts for SSA Journals
Contacting Our Journals
To get in touch with the leads at our journals, please use the email addresses in this section.
Becky Ham
Press Relations
Matt Jozwiak
Publishing Director
BSSA Editorial Office
BSSA Editors
TSR Editorial Office
TSR Editors
SRL Editorial Office
SRL Editors
Library and Institutional Subscriptions
PAP TOC Signup
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