The Seismic Record Publication Fees

The Seismic Record (TSR) is an open access journal. Articles published in TSR are freely available to read, download and share via the GeoScienceWorld platform.

Authors pay a publication fee or Article Processing Charge (APC). If you received a grant to fund your research, the cost of the APC may be included in that grant.

The APC for TSR is $3,500, reflecting SSA’s quality editorial and technical processes, market conditions, competitive landscape and other costs associated with the Society.  If supplemental online material is allowed by the Editor-in-Chief, then there is a $150 charge, as with BSSA and SRL.

Discounts and Waivers

To support the journal and offer researchers an early opportunity to publish in TSR, the following discounts have been set:

  • For 2024 article submissions, a 45% discount on the APC will automatically apply. All authors submitting to TSR through 2024 will be charged $1,925 per article.
  • SSA members who are the corresponding author may also receive a 10% discount ($193).
  • Automatic waiversTSR offers waivers to corresponding authors who live in low-income and middle-income countries, as defined by Research4Life.
    • Corresponding authors residing in Group A receive a complete waiver (100%).
    • Corresponding authors residing in Group B receive an additional 15% percent discount to the automatic 50% discount through 2024.  (This discount cannot be combined with the SSA member discount.)
    • The editorial team for TSR is not involved in the automatic APC discounts available to authors.  All questions should be directed to

APC Refunds

  • Authors will not be eligible for an APC refund if their article is retracted or removed. SSA has already provided full editorial and publishing services to these published articles, the APC covers this investment and a retraction or removal does not detract from this.

Questions about Billing