Supports the professional development of our community in recognition of Caltech Emeritus Professor Hiroo Kanamori.

As a researcher, Kanamori has had an unquestionable impact on the science of seismology. His groundbreaking research on the physics of massive earthquakes, the physics of the long-term crustal processes behind seismic events, and real-time earthquake hazard monitoring mark him as one of the world’s leading geophysicists. But it is his role as a mentor and guide for hundreds of students and colleagues that is celebrated with the fund in his name.
The Kanamori Fund provides generous Annual Meeting travel grants to international attendees, including one special ESC-SSA travel grant to anyone from a member-state of the European Seismological Commission, as well as travel grants to the Physics-based Ground Motion Modeling topical conference. With the support from the Kanamori Fund, SSA hosts workshops at the Annual Meeting and networking and mentoring opportunities for student and early-career members.
Gifts to this fund help SSA continue that support so that every member can realize their potential.
A gift of support:

“The scientific knowledge and inspiration gained from the talks and posters have guided my research direction since. On the other hand, meeting new members and reconnecting with old colleagues, and having in-depth conversations from the future of DAS to navigating research life as an early career member has been very meaningful personally.”
—Voon Hui Lai, early-career member from Australian National University, who traveled to the 2023 Annual Meeting supported by the Kanamori Fund.