Electronic Supplement to
A Model of Composite Seismic Sources for the Lower Rhine Graben, NW Europe

by Kris Vanneste, Thierry Camelbeeck, and Koen Verbeeck

Information sheet for composite seismic source NLCS005


Rijen fault.


Composite source NLCS005 corresponds to the east-dipping Rijen fault. It is the northernmost fault of the SW border fault zone, and its orientation is again closer to the main fault trend in the LRG compared to NLCS004 to the south (Figure S1). We also include the Riel fault in this source, although the distance between both faults is rather large (up to 5 km). Little else is known about this fault. The Rijen fault marks the westernmost occurrence of Cenozoic extension related to the LRG. It connects southward with similarly oriented faults (Rauw-Poppel fault zone) in Belgium, but these faults do not show noticeable geomorphic expression (e.g., Verbeeck et al., 2004), and have probably not been active since the Middle Pleistocene. Moreover, their exact location and extent is rather controversial (Van Baelen and Sintubin, 2006). These faults are presently not considered as seismic sources in our model.

Paleoseismic trenches


Vertical displacement data

The vertical displacement rate of NLCS005 can only be estimated from a depth map of the base Quaternary horizon in Worum et al. (2004). The vertical offset is ~100 m in the south, similar to that on NLCS004, and decreases northward to ~30 m. Assuming an age of 2.58 Ma, the long-term vertical displacement rate thus ranges between 0.012 and 0.039 mm/yr.

Table S9. Compilation of data concerning vertical deformation rates of seismic source NLCS005.
ID Fault section Offset (m) Time period Deformation rate (mm/yr) Reference
41 Displacement of base Quaternary ~100, decreasing northward to ~30 Since 2.58 Ma 0.012 – 0.039 Based on data from Worum et al. (2004)

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