Electronic Supplement to
Ground Motion Modeling of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake I: Validation Using the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake

by Brad T. Aagaard, Thomas M. Brocher, David Dolenc, Douglas Dreger, Robert W. Graves, Stephen Harmsen, Stephen Hartzell, Shawn Larsen, and Mary Lou Zoback

Velocity Waveforms with Synthetics Filtered to Bandwidth of Simulations

Comparison of recorded and synthetic velocity waveforms at 52 sites in the San Francisco Bay area (see map on top-level page for station locations). Synthetic waveforms have been filtered to the bandwidth of the corresponding ground motion simulations.

Comparison of observed and synthetic waveforms (1 of 8).

Waveforms 1

Comparison of observed and synthetic waveforms (2 of 8).

Waveforms 2

Comparison of observed and synthetic waveforms (3 of 8).

Waveforms 3

Comparison of observed and synthetic waveforms (4 of 8).

Waveforms 4

Comparison of observed and synthetic waveforms (5 of 8).

Waveforms 5

Comparison of observed and synthetic waveforms (6 of 8).

Waveforms 6

Comparison of observed and synthetic waveforms (7 of 8).

Waveforms 7

Comparison of observed and synthetic waveforms (8 of 8).

Waveforms 8