Electronic Supplement to
Motion Modeling of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake I:
Validation Using the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake
Maps and histograms displaying comparisons of Modified Mercalli Intensities (MMI) between synthetics and the long-period instrumental ShakeMap (duplicates of those in manuscript), between synthetics and the broadband instrumental ShakeMap, and between synthetics from different ground motion modeling groups.
Plots of recorded and synthetic velocity waveforms at 52 sites in the San Francisco Bay area. In the first set we low-pass filter all of the waveforms to a common bandwidth of T > 2.0 s using two passes of a two-pole Butterworth filter with a corner frequency of 0.5 Hz. In the second set we do not filter the recorded motions and we filter the synthetics to the bandwidth of the corresponding ground motion simulation using two passes of a two-pole Butterworth filter with a corner frequency equal to the maximum frequency of the simulation.
Location of stations in waveform comparisons. The triangles show the station locations. The red box delineates the projection of the fault surface in the Wald source model and the red star identifies the epicenter. The thin red lines show the major fault traces.
A movie showing the evolution of the peak shaking intensities (MMI) for Aagaard's simulation of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake with the Beroza source model. The colors indicate the peak shaking intensity experienced at each locations up to the time of the movie frame. The top of the movie frames are in the northeast direction, which is approximately perpendicular to the coastline.